Exploration of teaching methods for morphological differential diagnosis of human parasites
Zhao Jianzhong1, Zhu Mingchao2, Zhu Ya3, Sun Li4, Lu Enchang5, Ye Haihui6
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First People′s Hospital of Xiangyang, Xiangyang 441021, China; 2Department of Clinical Laboratory, 3Department of Neurology, the First People′s Hospital of Tianmen, Tianmen 431700, China; 4Medical School, Xiangyang Vocational and Technical College, Xiangyang 441021, China; 5Department of Blood Transfusion, the Affiliated Hospital of Xiangyang Vocational and Technical College, Xiangyang 441021, China; 6Department of Laboratory, Xiangyang Central Hospital, Xiangyang 441106, China
Abstract:At present, the source of specimens for the practical teaching of new and replicated parasite morphology in hospitals is insufficient, or even challenging, and multimedia images have become the sole mean to supplement the lack of physical specimens. However, the absence of real clinical cases hampers the formation of deep memories among students and pre-service practical training personnel, which makes it difficult to arouse their interest in learning and research. In addition, the class hour of human parasitology in medical colleges and universities across the country is generally greatly compressed. It is urgent to improve the teaching quality of human parasitology and clinical parasitic examination to meet the needs of clinical and experimental diagnosis of clinicians and laboratory clerks. In the prevention and control of parasitic diseases, parasitic morphological examination is the gold standard of parasitic experimental diagnosis. In view of this, the author makes a prelimiary exploration on the teaching methods of human parasitic infection and morphological identification in order to improve the overall teaching effect.
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